by oanetwork


by oanetwork


Interventions using the Love First technique have smaller intervention team – at least 3 participants but no more than 7. 

Several meetings led by a certified interventionist occur, leading up the intervention with the goal of creating a loving plan for positive change. 

An intervention model using Love First techniques requires each participant on the intervention team to write an intervention letter. 

The intervention letters are key to the process and serve as detailed explanations of the relationship between the person and the addict, a list of instances when addiction had an effect on the person, and statements of concern for the addict’s wellbeing. 

Each letter includes a separate portion explaining the consequences of refusing treatment; this is only presented to the addict if they refuse to seek help during the intervention.

The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) States that when a trained interventionist is utilized, more than 90% of addicts will take the commitment to seek professional help. Every addict and family is unique and has unique issues; a certified interventionist will use recognized intervention methods that will be structured to be effective for the current situation.


Do You Have a Loved One Struggling with Addiction or Mental Health Issues?

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