by oanetwork


by oanetwork


The Johnson Model is a popular professional intervention technique that uses a mix of direct confrontation, establishing boundaries and tough love to get the addict into rehab and treatment. 

The technique uses a surprise intervention meeting to force the addict to acknowledge their behavior, the consequences, and the impact of their addiction on those around them. 

In successful interventions using this treatment modality, a certified interventionist will run the intervention meeting, where the people involved will tell the addict how their behavior has impacted them.

The Johnson Model is more effective when there are multiple people or family members involved in the intervention, including those will have the most effect on the alcoholc or drug addict.

The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) States that when a trained interventionist is utilized, more than 90% of addicts will take the commitment to seek professional help. Every addict and family is unique and has unique issues; a certified interventionist will use recognized intervention methods that will be structured to be effective for the current situation.


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